Academy of European Public Law, Spetses 2001


The Protection of Human Rights in Europe: National and European Judge / The Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union

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Dear participants of the Spetses Summer Academy,

I hope that you have excellent memories of the weeks you spent at Spetses. May be some of you are still interested in the subjects of the academy. For that case, I have prepared some links to official or scientific Internet sources with regard to the subjects of my lessons. If you know other internet sources - especially new Internet articles on the Charter, which have been published recently in your country - please let me know and I will complete the links. The reflections on the Charter, which I have presented, have now been published in the Juristenzeitung 2001, p. 833 et seq. (sorry - in German only). 

Good luck for your thesis (and other) projects! Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions,

yours Dr. Thomas Schmitz (

Conflicts between European and National Judge regarding the Protection of Human Rights

I. Papers


Contents of the lessons (download PDF)

II. Jurisprudence


European Court of Justice, Decision "Internationale Handelsgesellschaft"  (case 11/70, 17/12/1970)


Corte costituzionale (Italian Constitutional Court), Decision "Frontini Franco"  (sent. 183/73, 18/12/1973)


Bundesverfassungsgericht (German Federal Constitutional Court): Decision "Solange 1"  (BVerfGE 37, 271 [277 et seq.], 29/05/1974);  Decision "Solange 2"  (BVerfGE 73, 339 [374 et seq.], 22/10/1986; headnotes in English);  Maastricht judgement  (BVerfGE 89, 155 [174 et seq.], 12/10/1993);  Decision "Banana market organisation"  (BVerfGE 102, 147 [p. 161 et seq.], 07/06/2000)


Conseil constitutionnel (French Constitutional Council), Decision "Maastricht I"  (déc. 92-308 DC, no. 17 et seq., 09/04/1992)


Højesteret (Danish Supreme Court), Maastricht judgement  (I 361/1997, no. 9, 06/04/1997)

III. Articles


Jürgen Bröhmer, Das Bundesverfassungsgericht und sein Verhältnis zum Gerichtshof der Europäischen Gemeinschaften (Saarbrücker Bibliothek)


Jutta Limbach, Die Kooperation der Gerichte in der zukünftigen europäischen Grundrechtsarchitektur (Forum Consitutionis Europae [= FCE] 7/00)

Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union

I. Papers


Contents of the lessons (download PDF)

II. Official Documents


Text of the Charter in all EU languages


Explanations by the Praesidium of the Body (Convent) in all EU languages


European Council (Nice), Presidency Conclusions

III. Websites of the Institutions


The Body (Convent)


The European Commission on the Charter


The European Parliament on the Charter

IV. Opinions of Advocate Generals referring to the Charter


ECJ data base - type "Charter of Fundamental Rights" (with " ") in the field "Words in the text" to find all the opinions which mention the Charter


See especially the opinions of the Advocate Generals  Tizzano (case C-173/99, BECTU, no. 26);  Jacobs (case C-270/99 P, Z. v. EP, no. 40; case C-377/98, NL v. EP and Council, no. 197, 210);  Geelhoed (case C-413/99, Baumbast and 'R, no. 59; case C-313/99, Mulligan and others, no. 28);  Léger (case C-353/99 P, Council v. Hautala and others, no. 73, 80);  Mischo (cases C-20/00 and C-64/00, Booker Aquaculture, no. 126)

V. Articles published after the making of the Charter


Markus Engels, Die europäische Grundrechtecharta: Auf dem Weg zu einer europäischen Verfassung? (Eurokolleg 45 [Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung] [download PDF])


Jonas B. Liisberg, Does the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights Threaten the Supremacy of Community Law? (Harvard Jean Monnet Working Paper [= Harvard JMWP] 4/01)


Matthias Mahlmann, Die Grundrechtscharta der Europäischen Union (Saarbrücker Bibliothek)


Agustín José Menéndez, Chartering Europe: The Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union (Arena Working Paper 01/13 = Francisco Lucas Pires Working Papers on European Constitutionalism 2001/03 [+ download as WORD file])

VI. Others


Andrew Duff (MEP), Frequently Asked Questions on the Charter of Fundamental Rights

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